Aion was developed by NCSoft for players who enjoy a good MMORPG. It is set in a vast fantasy world that not only gives you a front seat in chaos but the ability to control mythical creatures and an exciting storyline. To make your experience even more memorable, we have created an Aion bot. This will be your guide through the challenging bits. Aion hacks, exploits, program, bots and cheats related stuffs goes here No Questions Forum: Aion Hacks, Cheats Exploits & Bot Programs. Mark This Forum Read View Parent Forum; Search Forum. Show Threads Show Posts. Advanced Search. Threads in This Forum. Aion was developed by NCSoft for players who enjoy a good MMORPG. It is set in a vast fantasy world that not only gives you a front seat in chaos but the ability to control mythical creatures and an exciting storyline. To make your experience even more memorable, we have created an Aion bot. This will be your guide through the challenging bits.
- PRLog -- Aion is a newly released title in the Western MMO market. With millions of XP required per level between levels 20 and 50, gamers will soon tire of farming monsters for hours just to level up to the next tier of quests - gear - or is proud to announce it's grinding bot for Aion Online, AionGrind. Designed to automate gameplay and fight NPCs for hours on autopilot, this bot will bring a breath of fresh air to gamers already tiring of the grind. With a number of systems, including waypoints, death recovery, a macro based combat system, and full memory-reading, AionGrind is one of the most advanced Aion bots yet. is dedicated to supporting the bot and continuing to update the bot for the latest patches and game updates even after Gameguard is renabled on the official servers, With an official blog to document changes, updates, and features in the bot, you can stay abreast of post-release development at the website.
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