Mixamo Fuse Clothing Download

This asset includes 6 different sport clothing parts for the use with mixamo fuse. Every sport clothing part comes with a default texture set. Diffuse, normal, specular, glossy map and a material file for unity3d. Every map has 1024X1024 pixels. Included are six template files for your own texture creation, with your prefered graphic software.

  1. Mixamo Fuse Clothing Downloads
  2. Mixamo Fuse Clothing Download
  3. Mixamo Fuse Download
  4. Mixamo Apk
  5. Mixamo Fuse Download For Pc

Adobe Fuse is no longer in development and will discontinue support on September 13, 2020.

Mixamo Fuse Clothing Downloads

For detailed information and assistance, see Adobe Fuse end-of-service FAQ.

Important notice for Mixamo customers.
We’re retiring features and services on this site, learn how this affects you. Visit http://blogs.adobe.com/adobecare/2017/05/23/download-assets-from-mixamo/.

  • Jan 06, 2020 Download the FREE ReFitA figure for Adobe Fuse, and take advantage of free clothing downloads created for Mixamo Fuse! ReFitA for Adobe Fuse by wetcircuit Published January 6, 2020.
  • .FREE. downloads for Adobe Fuse! A FREE bodybase for importing legacy clothing made for the Mixamo Female Fit A. Crew Neck T-shirt for Adobe Fuse.

To create a custom clothing for Fuse CC, you begin by choosing the base character on which you want to model your clothing. For the base character, you can either choose the base meshes (.obj) provided in the Content Creator Pack or a custom body that you have created. Then you create a high quality sculpt for your clothing item. You can create clothing items such as tops, bottoms, hats, eyewear, and shoes. Once your sculpt is ready, you extract the texture maps along with a low-resolution mesh of the custom clothing asset from your scuplting software. These files are then imported into Fuse CC.

Before you begin, see Create custom content for Fuse to know about the prerequisites and the general recommendations for creating custom clothing.

Clothing is modeled onto a base character. You can either:

  • Model your clothing on the base meshes provided in the Content Creator Pack (MaleFitA.obj and FemaleFitA.obj).
  • Model your clothing to fit onto a custom body you have created. See Create a custom body for details. To use the custom clothing in Fuse CC (Beta), first import the custom body.
Once you have picked your base character, the next step is to sculpt your clothing.

The quality of the sculpt is important to a good clothing asset. Use your digital sculpting software to achieve the highest quality in your sculpt.

Unlike the custom body, the custom clothing does not have any specific UV requirements. So you can create use topology and UV layout for the custom clothing. However, consider the following pointsfor the low resolution (or low poly) mesh that you create.

  • The low polymesh has soft normals (single smoothing group) so that all the hard edged information is held inside the normal map.
  • It has a single UV layout per item.
  • It does not extend beyond the 0-1 UV space.
  • It does not overlap and is not flipped/mirrored.
  • It is laid out either horizontally or vertically for consistent substances. For example, if you have the front of the shirt horizontal and the back of the shirt vertical, the substance like horizontal/vertical stripe can look very different from each other.

It is recommended to have the average triangle count in the range mentioned below depending on the custom clothing item that you are creating:

Tops: 2,000 - 4,000
Bottoms: 1,500 - 2,000
Hats: 1,000 - 2,000
Shoes: 2,000
Eyeware: 500 - 1,000

Once you have finished sculpting your custom clothing, you have to extract certain key maps from the digital sculpting software that you are using. These maps are used for generating textures for the custom clothing when you import them in Fuse CC.

The following settings are recommended for the extracted maps:

Map dimension: 2048 x 2048 pixels

Color depth: 8-bit RGB

Image format: PNG

Naming convention for extracted maps

The generic file naming structure for the maps is

Category_CharacterModeledOn_NameofItem_NameofMap. For example,



The normal map holds the high-resolution details of your sculpt and projects that detail onto the low polygon geometry. You can extract the normal map from your sculpting program. Most of the detail of your clothing comes from this map.

The color mask is unique to the clothing, and important for defining the regions of the custom clothing where separate substances can be used. It is a simple color ID map that you can paint in any appropriate program. Whenever you need individual texture options on the custom clothing, you can mask off with any of the following 8 available color values:

ColorRGB valueHexadecimal value
Red255, 0, 0#ff0000
Green0, 255, 0#00ff00
Blue0, 0, 255#0000ff
Yellow255, 255, 0#ffff00
Magenta255, 0, 255#ff00ff
Cyan0, 255, 255#00ffff
White255, 255, 255#ffffff
Black0, 0, 0#000000


Try to use of all the eight colors in the Color Mask map, even if your default design doesn't need them. Notice how the pockets and sleeves are masked in the image above. Color masking allows further customization and use of a clothing asset.

If there are transparent parts of the custom clothing asset, the transparency should be simply included in the alpha channel of the color mask. To do this in Photoshop CC, see Create and edit alpha channel masks.

Mixamo Fuse Clothing Download

The occlusion mask is unique to clothing and hair. It is painted on the base character on which the clothing is fitted over. The occlusion mask excludes the body geometry that is covered by clothing. To create this mask:

  1. With the clothing item placed over the character, paint the body polygons that you want to delete in black.
  2. Paint the rest of the polygons in white.

The ambient occlusion (AO) map holds the shadow information for your high resolution sculpt and is used to add that shading information into your custom clothing within Fuse CC (Beta). You can extract the ambient occlusion map from your sculpting program.

Mixamo Fuse Download

The detail map allows you to overlay your own custom painted detail on top of your custom clothing. This is useful for adding those detail that Fuse CC (Beta) does not provide. You can add the details like logos or other designs for your clothing in this map.

Use the recommended naming convention for filenames for importing them into Fuse CC in an organized manner.

Mixamo Apk

Your clothing geometry: Top_MaleFitA_RolledSleevesShirt.obj
Normal Map: Top_MaleFitA_RolledSleevesShirt_NM.png
Color Mask: Top_MaleFitA_RolledSleevesShirt_Mask.png
Occlusion Mask: Top_MaleFitA_RolledSleevesShirt_OccMask.png
Ambient Occlusion Map: Top_MaleFitA_RolledSleevesShirt_AO.png
Detail Overlay Map: Top_MaleFitA_RolledSleevesShirt_DetailDiff.png

Mixamo Fuse Download For Pc

To import custom body files, choose File > Import > Import Clothing option from the menu bar in Fuse CC. See Import custom clothing and hair for details.