Hi, i usually edit my gopro clips in imovie and have no issues uploading from my gopro hero 4 to my macbook air through imovie. I'm trying to upload my clips as usual and i can access some of the clips but there are 262 clips that just appear as a black screen and i dont know how to access my clips.
How to make a Time Lapse GoPro Video in iMovie using Pictures

Here is a quick video I put together on how to make a Time Lapse Video using your GoPro in iMovie 09 using the ‘take pictures every X seconds’ mode.
It’s very easy to do. You can actually make a time lapse movie using video or pictures.
When making it with images, I put my camera in the ‘takes pictures every x seconds’ mode so that it takes pictures every 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 or 60 seconds. If you shoot something that only lasts a few minutes, use a shorter interval like 1 or 2 seconds. If you shoot something that lasts a few hours or an entire day, use a longer interval like 30 or 60 seconds.
- The in-camera version, also known as time-lapse video mode, is available on many of the newer GoPro models, but not all of them. And on those cameras that do have it, the output formats and interval options are not always the same. Overall, time-lapse video mode wins on convenience simply because it handles the shooting and compiling in one.
- Most time-lapse videos are 24-30 frames per second, so you need to consider that when taking the photos. Having a trigger allows you to set the camera on a tripod, hook up the trigger, and leave connected during the time-lapse. Time-lapse video using photos in iMovie. Time-lapse video using photos in Premiere Pro.
- Reason #2 why iMovie is great for editing GoPro videos is that is that it’s free! But don’t let the price tag fool you even with its pretty interface, it is a very robust piece of editing software for something that costs zero dollars. Plus, if you learn to edit videos with iMovie, and realize you love editing videos.
- Re: How to create a movie from a timelapse photo burst with Quik? If you wish to view the photos one by one, locate the file on Quik's MEDIA tab. Right-click on the file then choose Show Explorer. You can also choose Open in Create Mode to start editing.
You can also make a time lapse movie using video which is a lot easier to do..you simply speed up the video. I’ll make a video explaining this method in the near future.

Gopro Time Lapse With Imovie

Gopro Time Lapse Imovie
It’s simply a case of 2 different methods giving you 2 different results. Without further delay, here is the video.