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Preparing to Issue 200 Million Certificates in 24 Hours
When we think about what essential infrastructure for the Internet needs to be prepared for though, we’re not thinking about normal days. We want to be prepared to respond as best we can to the most difficult situations that might arise.The Next Gen Database Servers Powering Let's Encrypt
Database performance is the single most critical factor in our ability to scale while meeting service level objectives. In late 2020, we upgraded our database servers and we’ve been very happy with the results.A Year-End Letter from the Executive Director of Let's Encrypt and ISRG
ISRG’s first project, Let’s Encrypt, has been wildly successful. We’re now helping to secure more than 225 million websites and the Web is making great progress towards 100% HTTPS. We’ve put in a lot of hard work and dealt with some challenges along the way, but at a high level the outlook is quite sunny. I’m incredibly proud to share some of what our organization has accomplished in 2020.
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