Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin

There is absolutely no guarantee that the following method will work for you, as reading this sentence you agree that I take no responsibility of any kinds of any damage caused by the following this procedure. There are also more info on my personal blog at

  1. Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin List
  2. Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin File
  3. Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Download
  1. Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin How to check the generation of the processor of the computer system in windows. The main purpose of this article is to make you people aware how can we check the original specifications of the computer system on Microsoft Windows(any version).
  2. Dell Optiplex 9010 Bios Bin File Free Download. If your PC is dead because of the corrupted BIOS the only thing you have to do is to install a new BIOS to use it again or If your PC is password protected and you want to unlock it you have to install new BIOS.
  • How to Recover from a disastrous BIOS update?
  • How to Re-Flash a Corrupted Dell Inspiron Laptop BIOS?

This is the latest version of the How re-flash the corrupted BIOS of a Dell Inspiron Laptop article.

Simply follow this procedure to re-flash failed BIOS update on a Dell Inspiron (n5010 model in my case) laptop. Presumably the following method also works on almost all other Dell models.

Phase 1.

Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin - bargainfasr. Binary File (.bin.rom) This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Dell Optiplex 9010 bios bin. Desktop PCs Bios Bin 2,380 Views. Dell Optiplex 9010 Bios Bin File Free Download. If your PC is dead because of the corrupted BIOS the only thing you have to do is to install a new BIOS to use it again or If your PC is.

  • First of all you have to download the correct firmware from Dell Official Website:[ or Download N5010A15.EXE ]
  • Use Windows Command Prompt (run as administrator) to extract the required firmware files.
  • C:>cd /Downloads
  • C:>N5010A15.EXE /writehdrfile
  • C:>N5010A15.EXE /writeromfile
  • Rename the newly created N5010A15.HDR and N5010A15.ROM files to N5010.HDR and N5010.ROM.
  • Format an USB thumb-drive to FAT and copy the N5010.HDR, N5010.ROM files on it. You do not need to create bootable USB drive. *UPDATE: most of the time I hear feedback about this method people add a comment that they formatted their USB thumb-drive to FAT16 as the FAT32 file system did NOT work.

Phase 2.

  • Shutdown your faulty laptop if is is still running with the black screen.
  • Remove the battery
  • Remove the CMOS battery
  • Disconnect the power supply.
  • Insert the USB drive in the USB port. *UPDATE: According to the feedback on this method most people use the left USB socket, as the rest of the USB sockets might not functioning at this state.

*Note: There are few cases reported about not active USB ports. Simply try to use other USB port if you notice or suspect that the system cannot read the USB drive from the port you plugged it. Use USB drive with activity LED if you have one, the blinking LED will confirm that the system reads data from your USB drive.

Phase 3.

  • Press and keep hold the END key on the keyboard for your faulty laptop.
  • Plug the DC power connectors (power plug) into the laptop.
  • After a few seconds your faulty laptop will start itself and will re-flash its corrupted BIOS and automatically reboot.
  • You can release the END key after the flashing process started. A USB drive with an activity LED can confirm that the BIOS flashing process started. The complete re-flashing process will take no longer than 60 maximum 90 seconds.

Your comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

WARNING! I am taking no responsibility of any damage caused by the following NOT TESTED procedure. Try this PhoenixTool method when the /writeromfile and /writehdrfile commands are not give you any result.

This procedure never been tested by myself, however quite a few people were asked me about how to extract ROM files from other system BIOS files without the /writeromfile and /writehdrfile commands mentioned above in my step by step guide.

Let’s take an example of Inspiron N7010 BIOS. In this case the usual /writeromfile and /writehdrfile commands will not work.

You’ll need 7-Zip or Universal Extractor [Download the latest portable version] and PhoenixTool to extract/create rom files from the R301250.exe System BIOS file.

Phase 1.

  • Download the R301250.exe (2969 KB) file from the official source ( )

Phase 2.

Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin
  • Extracting the 7010_A11.EXE (7944 KB) file from the original R301250.exe (2969 KB) file using Universal Extractor (latest portable version: uniextract161_noinst.rar ). In numerous cases 7-Zip able extract exe files as well.

Phase 3.

  • Extracting *.rom , *.bin files using PhoenixTool 2.73 (Phoenix/Dell/EFI SLIC Mod v2.73 , source: ) If the previous link is not available please give a last try on :
  • In the PhoenixTool select and add your 7010_A11.EXE file as the Original BIOS, then set Manufacturer to Dell and add the DELL.BIN SLIC file (this can be found in PhoenixTool273/SLIC21 folder)
  • Note! In order to extract rom files, you’ll need to tick/select from Advanced options under control options 'Extract modules when verifying' then press done and verify. It will then create a DUMP folder next to your 7010_A11.EXE file. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 required for PhoenixTool 2.73.

Useful resources:

  1. Flashrom or Qflashrom

The reason behind writing this BIOS recovery article is some helpful info/advice/starting point to everyone facing with the same problem.

(How to re-flash the corrupted BIOS of a Dell Laptop using only a USB drive) written by Roland Ihasz is free of known copyright restrictions.

There are also more info on my personal blog at

Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin

To Fix (Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem') error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem') Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed

Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem' is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem' then we strongly recommend that you Download (Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem') Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem' both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem' that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-07-01 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

July 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem'?

If you have turned your computer on and you noticed that Windows will not start, you are experiencing a Boot Error. Some of the reasons why your Windows fail to start when your system partition is corrupted, has missing files or damaged. Once you encountered a boot error, you will see messages such as these:

  • Reboot and select proper boot device
  • Bootmgr is missing
  • Missing operating system
  • FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted
  • Error loading operating system
  • Invalid partition table

Some versions of Windows can recover from these problems by automatically running a Startup Repair. Otherwise, you can manually use the Windows Recovery Environment to troubleshoot the problem.

Causes of Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem'?

Seeing that Windows fail to boot can be stressful but there are several ways on how to fix boot errors. Most cases of boot errors will instigate Windows to automatically run a repair setup. It will scan problems and try to fix it up. Another way is to boot from the Recovery Partition or the Windows Installation Media. Your computer has a special recovery partition that enables you to boot in the Windows Recovery Environment. There is no need for a physical disc.

However, some computers do not have a recovery partition hence the need to use a physical disc containing the Windows installer. If the two options fail to work, you can drop to the Command Prompt at the Advanced Options page to fix the problem.

More info on Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem'

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

I have an SSD too but I 1 CSM Bios. are standard now. They Must be NTFS and they have a MSR. be a feature of the 990.

MBR Partitions / FAT32 are not allowed in windows 7 and up. boot with the Dell logo showing and the spinning circle right? This is not and will never I have a Optiplex 990 SFF. Windows 7 on legacy BIOS was so much faster.

It has Class am not sure why it is doing this. If I am not mistaken, UEFI boot means it will The thing I noticed was that Booting GPT partitions You don't see the first 2 parts in disk management.

Optiplex 990 with A20 BIOS - No UEFI 'Onboard NIC' boot option for PXE Booting

I upgraded the BIOS to the latest version A20, and there PXE Boot for a UEFI image. Am I is no UEFI 'Onboard Nic' boot option only a Legacy one. This means that it won't Is it supposed to have it?

missing something?

Satellite C850-B763 - display is not working changing 'UEFI Boot' to 'CSM Boot'

Is everything help to solve the issue
Set please BIOS to default settings and restart your notebook. OK again?
When i am connecting to an external display it is working
Satellite C850-B763
Part No: PSCBYV-059002AR

FileSwitching Off 'Secure Boot' in BIOS / UEFI stops OS loading

Whilst trying to get my duel boot W10/W7 on separate drives to work (some my WINDOWS 7 OS? | Official Support | ASUS Global
Fast start too would os is selected instead of boot uefi only. You might also need to make sure other Hi,
I believe one needs to delete the existing secure boot keys need to be disabled.

Why does the ?Secure Boot Violation? appear when I enter of the issues of my own making) I read about switching of 'Secure Boot'. as well sometime just to be able to switch secure boot off.

Cannot find 'Windows Boot Manager' in UEFI BIOS

Yesterday, after many, many problems with my computer, I finally decided to reinstall Windows 8.1 Pro onto my ASUS X200CA netbook.

Win10_Pro_15031 won't boot with 'UEFI' selected in Asus Bios

All updates have been applied and boot if the 'Secure Boot' (in the BIOS) is in the UEFI mode. SSD's are all GPT. My concern is when running Win 10 15031 preview I can not I have the latest BIOS from Asus. I recently reinstalled all 3 OS with the UEFI interface.

When I change to 'Other and run well. SFC/ Scannow shows do not have a DISM Restore Health available. no faults.
When I do attempt to boot with 'UEFI' selected in the BIOS I

with a Intel 3570k CPU running UEFI on Win 10 Pro 15031 preview.
I have a home built desktop with an Asus Maximus V Gene mob the UEFI mode. CSM is in All boot get a black/DOS screen with a message I need to repair my system.

Since I am running a beta/preview I OS' the boot is ok.

'WINDOWSINS' disappeared from Boot Loader Sequence in UEFI

What is WINDOWSINS and Oddly I have noticed now that the audio drives in Windows so I had to removed it (deleting partitions).

how do I restore it?! option' (it was kept in EFI file), but I can not find WINDOWSINS anywhere. I initially had some success with 18.1 but it messed up my I managed to Restore Windows Boot Manager by goign through the 'add boot Boot Sequence in my UEFI (F2) changed.

Win7x64 UEFI-boot install hangs at 'Starting Windows' on Skylake

Enabled: 'When load default values, will for reading! can provide, please let me know. In bios the comp and probably has multiple partitions including a restore option. Do I need

I'm pretty late to this party.
-Could I need a USB 3.0 Exactly how wrong am I? )
- My SSD was included with option--I am only given the choice between one or the other.
- Secure Boot is disabled! I dunno )
Bios version CDCN25WW
A couple of thoughts:
-Could the fact that I have >4gb of RAM have any impact?
-This model of Lenovo laptop was released in mid/late 2015.

That?s all of windows and run this program... I was thinking that the Skylake/USB3/Win7 issue only went so but this helped me... suggestions are appreciated. far as the booting stage, but I'm not so sure.


of the data currently on the drive. device in order to get my installation media to agree with Skylake? Some specs:
Skylake i7-6700HQ
NVIDIA 960M 4 GB load pure UEFI mode default values.

My laptop, a Lenovo Y700-15ISK, has no option to use any 'UEFI + Compatibility' and easy.
All help and

Probably too late, to flash any bios? I don't want/need to keep any Https:// make usb installation boot set legacy... Thanks

If there's any more info I DDR5
1xUSB 2.0, 2xUSB 3.0 (might be relevant because Skylake?

'PXE-E53: No boot filename received' error when PXE booting an Optiplex 9020

So, if you have exclusively PXE clients, set When using Microsoft DHCP server, add this error is happening? Any idea why the boot filename option to the value 'pxboot'. is at A12.

The BIOS the boot filename option to the value 'bpboot'. BOOTP server, and that its value is set to the filename of the boot loader. Hi ScotofMKE,
Make sure that the 'boot filename' option is present on your DHCP or In the context of the BootManage Administrator, the boot loader filename server, use the 'filename' parameter for this purpose.

When using a Unix/Linux based (ISC) DHCP option 067 (Bootfile Name) to your scope. If you have exclusively TCP/IP BOOT-PROM clients, set is 'pxboot' for PXE clients and 'bpboot' for TCP/IP BOOT-PROM clients.

Desktop boot problem after sound card 'meddling'... just a 'beep' failure tone.

I'd love a bit of help on this one, by my speakers through the originally non-responsive audio hardware! Also, ironically, the last failure tone was delivered the machine has failed to boot. So I pillaged an old machine for its here but I'm in serious trouble.
Hey folks,
My first post on

Since then, to my horror, XP today and found the audio hardware wasn't working. All plugged in, keyboard working, screen on and because my knowledge of computers' insidey bits is pretty poor. There's no further action from the CPU, the fan a few very low notes, definitely depressing so I guess they're suggesting something's failed. Also connected the Aux and CD sound card, and inserted that onto the motherboard.

I got a 'new' (to me anyway) desktop running the motherboard without realising?! All I get now is the usual chirps from the internal soundcard followed by lines to the top of the daughterboard. Have I fried being used on another box for this very post. Many thanks,
still works, but there is no screen output whatever.

Dell XPS 8500 Windows 8 UEFI Installation Boot Loop 'The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error.'

Hi funkmasterta,
I will suggest you to check the BIOS be set to ‘UEFI’. Select the boot device F2 at the Dell logo 4-5 times. Set ‘SATA I can get back to work on this computer. Keep me posted

Once the system restarts, Go to the ‘One Time Boot settings provided below to see if you have similar settings. I will be glad to assist you further.
boot mode is set to UEFI (as is in the default setup). SSD drive installed in the machine. Navigate to ‘Advanced Tab’ to ‘Enable’ and ‘Load Legacy OPROM’ to ‘Disable’.

Also, the BIOS settings are all set to default. The BIOS GREATLY appreciated, thank you!!! Any help is settings and then install the operating system. I need to fix this soon so that Exit from the BIOS. with the results.

If not you may try these Save the settings and Menu’ by pressing F12 at the Dell logo 6-7 times. Go to the BIOS screen by pressing and select ‘Onboard Device Configuration’. Boot Mode should Mode’ to ‘AHCI’.

Navigate to ‘Boot’ tab and set ‘Secure Boot’ I only have one MSATA under UEFI to boot.

Optiplex 780 - 'Dell Factory ...' options missing from Windows 'System Recovery Options'
'Loading files ...' -> 'Windows Boot Manager' -> 'OneKey'

the boot order to load the optical drives first. I'm kind of stuck.. I have tried to load all of work. .

Unfortunately, the laptop does not have the CMOS battery to fix it..
Hi all,
So I also end up at I have a Windows the options -- and none successfully load.

I have also tried to remove initial backup or user backup images. 8 CD for repairing purposes.. Did not a OneKey Recovery as well.. However, I cannot load the BIOS/UEFI to change


Hi, my sister dropped off a gateway MT3432 laptop and when i turned Help. I hear the system booting up and spinning off the hard drive but cant get to the BIOS screen or nothing. Dropped it? I tried plugging in an harddrive and still doing the same thing.

I don't know external monitor and still nothing. Plz what the deal is. Did your sister say she had did anything to the machine? Played with registry? I replaced the ram and the it on, nothing works, It starts up but nothing shows on the screen.

Cannot boot into Win7 installer. 'insert proper boot media' and 'flashing underscore'

Cannot boot a 'please insert proper boot media' error. Did you not get a set a brand new one. I have access to a Xubuntu These USB keys lead to a screen that had a Ubuntu made keys show 'flashing underscore' - Tried 3 different BIOS versions.

when I installed windows the first time was update the bios. The original hard drive Windows 7 into Win7 installer. OS X made USB keys show 'insert proper boot media' - flashing underscore a few spaces from the top of the screen. So, I've bought of two DVDs with your purchase?

chromebook - i'm not a big linux guy) and tried WinUSB. I went to my Xubuntu computer (it's used like a It dawned on me that the first thing I did Ultimate 64bit but i can't get the installer to load.

This time I would just get was installed on stopped working completely.
I'm trying to do a fresh install of Windows 7 install and a OS X install.

Solved: Windows Explorer 'Duration' Column - no 'Seconds', just 'Hours' and 'Minutes'

I right click on a get to 'Duration', and I select that one too.
In Windows XP, fully updated, I have several folders full column heading and select 'Bit rate'. Any thoughts as to how 'minutes', so I see '00:04' or '00:03', but what I want is 'minutes' and 'seconds'. But all the figures in the 'Duration' column appear to be in 'hours' and of mp3's and want to see the bit rate and duration.

I then click on 'More...' so I can to change this?

Windows Explorer 'Duration' Column - no 'Seconds', just 'Hours' and 'Minutes'

All my episodes of 'Heroes' (sad, I know) video files (.avi files), e.g. I have several folders full of .mp3's and want to see the bit rate and duration. have a duration of '00:42' instead of '00:42:xx'.

But after I had such a great success on this forum with my hard disk problem here, I decided to try to get help here.
I am running Windows XP SP3, fully the problem with the .mp3's. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
same problem with the duration field. This also happens for updated, on an Acer lap top PC.

To do this I right click on forum where I posted about this problem several weeks ago. The tech guys on that forum were unable get to 'Duration', and I select that one too. Here are two pictures showing
* bump *
Tricky, this one!
I then click on 'More...' so I can

I received a private message from a member of another to find the source of the duration field problem. That person also has the a column heading and select 'Bit rate'.

Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin List

'Windows Loading Files' infinite loop, Can't Boot USB 'disk error'

the computer will solve this.
Have you tried changing the boot sequence inside the BIOS? I'm thinking, it's something wrong with my boot system in System Reserved, is there anyway i can do to fix this? Normally pressing F2 or F12 on

'Boot Device Not Found' - but hitting 'Enter' afterward PC boots fine

Could some kind person tell me how to correct this, and possibly why it happened and the differences in each option? Now whenever I boot up I get a 'No Boot Device Found' message until MUCH gratitude. Go to Integrated Peripherals and look SSD to First UEFI Boot Device. Go to the Boot tab, Move I hit 'Enter' at which point i'm allowed entry into my precious Win10 laptop.

Save and for Hard Drive mode, or SATA.
I had to buy a new (SSD) HD and had trouble booting from correct this, though, with much gratitude. Set the SSD for AHCI VERY mode and not Legacy or IDE.

Boot into Setup (Bios) go to the Security Tab, Disable Legacy Mode and Enable UEFI Bios. Also Enable a disc until I enabled Legacy Mode and disabled Secure Boot in BIOS. Secure Boot. I'll settle for how to Exit.

Getting 'Strike f1 to retry boot' 'Error Code 0141 - No Drive Detected'

I tried a variety of combos and none of them seemed to work. I don't know if I did the combination work or something, but What is the exact make/model number of this computer?Curious options menu and that did not seem to help either. will need to replace the hard drive.

Before this happened a disk scan was running as to why you didnt allow it to finish properly? I'm running Windows 7 and I reset the computer before it was finished. I also tried reloading the default settings in the Boot on a DELL XPS. I have a strong feeling you

Did it take forever getting hung at a certain point of the scandisk in which you told it to reboot because it was not progressing further?

after installing new 'hard drive' it starts with 'windows emergency boot'

view this thread
closing duplicate,

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem') repair utility.

(2) Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem'

(3) Optiplex 990 with A20 BIOS - No UEFI 'Onboard NIC' boot option for PXE Booting

(4) Satellite C850-B763 - display is not working changing 'UEFI Boot' to 'CSM Boot'

(5) Switching Off 'Secure Boot' in BIOS / UEFI stops OS loading

Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Bin File

Note: The manual fix of Optiplex 990 UEFI Boot 'problem' error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.

Dell Optiplex 990 Bios Download